

How a new restaurant-led effort could take wasted food off the menu


Wasted food is a solvable problem, which is why a group of restaurateurs in Rochester, New York, have begun working together to end it. This story summarizes the beginnings of an industry-driven effort to address wasted food including key best practices identified at the initial stakeholder gatherings. The aim is that with continued momentum and growth, NYSP2I, along with its partners,  including the Center for EcoTechnology, will facilitate peer-to-peer problem solving as well as the implementation of best practices across the industry.

Readers will hopefully pick up tips to introduce in their own kitchens as well as see the value of stakeholder engagement and developing solutions driven by industry experts. NYSP2I is looking to connect with additional partners to grow this initiative. To share feedback or to learn more about this work, please reach out at [email protected].