

Cafeterias are Classrooms: An Integrated Approach to K-12 Food Waste Reduction & Conservation Strategies

In this webinar, we will learn about how conducting student food waste audits connects students to real-world problem solving through project-based learning in their school cafeteria and formal classroom learning. Presenters will walk webinar participants through the World Wildlife Fund’s Food Waste Warrior Toolkit, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future’s FoodSpan curriculum, Farm to School initiatives, and Green Schools Alliance incentives.

Convener: Laura McMillan, R4 EPA
Moderator: Melissa Terry, Food Policy Researcher, University of Arkansas

Webinar Presenters:
Brenda McDaniels, Gwinnett County Clean and Beautiful/Gwinnett County School District
Natalie Wood-Wright, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Center for a Livable Future
Samantha Benjamin-Kirck, USDA Farm to School Lead, Region 4
Suzanne Haerther, USGBC, Green Schools Alliance