

How do you reduce food waste?


In America, we throw out 40% of the food produced.
Since the 1960s, food waste in America has tripled. We toss away 31 million tons of food every year while nearly 50 million Americans struggle to put food on the table.
Reducing our food waste can save you money and reduce your impact on the environment. So tell us your favorite tricks, tips, and stories for reducing food waste in your home. A few examples:
After roasting a chicken, the bones can be boiled to make chicken stock and any remaining meat can be used in chicken soup.
Overripe bananas can be used in banana bread and muffins. If you don’t have time, or enough bananas to make banana bread, just freeze them until they can be used.
Fresh bread tends to stale quickly. Stale bread can be cut into small pieces, seasoned and toasted in the oven to make croutons. They should last about two weeks stored in an airtight container.
Now it’s your turn!